Interactions between Food Law and environmental Law. (Part two)
DRª. REMEDIOS MONDÉJAR PEDREÑO Doctora en Derecho Abogada en Bufete Legalur Abogados
Marine biodiversity protection versus underwater noise pollution: is necessary to incorporate underwater noise levels?
DR. ESTEBAN MORELLE HUNGRÍA Investigador colaborador en Derecho público Universitat de les Illes Balears
The Participation of Ecuadorian Suppliers in Spanish Public Contracting as a result of The Multipartes Trade Agreement with the European Union and of the COVID-19
DRA. INÉS MARÍA BALDEÓN B. PhD. en Derecho, Doctora Internacional en Derechos Fundamentales y Libertades Públicas, Candidata Postdoctoral en Inteligencia Artificial, MBA en Alta Dirección de Empresas, Conferencista, Catedrática Universitaria y Asesora Empresarial en Ecuador y España, Directora General de GRUPO CEAS
Artificial Splitting of public contracts - some reflections
RAFAEL GOMES AMORIM Phd. Candidate in Law Jurista Licenciatura em Direito pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Porto – e Mestre em Direito pela Universidade do Minho (Portugal)